Tag Archives: Hungary

XIII. International Lake Valence Symposium

Since 2017 the Dunántúli Water Board has rented out the 12 hectare island for use by the artists of the International Lake Velence Symposium in order that artworks may be produced displaying an empathy towards nature. Our researches encourage awareness of the current environmental problems for those working on and visiting the island. Today we […]


The concept of the project: All of us has a personal space that surrounds us and is determined by us. This is the personal space. Society is in fact a web of these spaces.    The PERSONAL SPACE project means harmonizing of these spaces with the tools of contemporary art.   Way of participating: 1st […]

The Personal- Space

My personal space that surrounds me isn’t confined space and I’d like it be determined by wind. The wind and I love freedom. The PERSONAL-SPACE installation in the “Művészeti Malom” Exhibition space | Szentendre,Hungary. performed by Tara goudarzi | photo by Razieh goudarzi | shorab park, Khoramabad | Jul 2015