XIII. International Lake Valence Symposium

Since 2017 the Dunántúli Water Board has rented out the 12 hectare island for use by the artists of the International Lake Velence Symposium in order that artworks may be produced displaying an empathy towards nature.

Our researches encourage awareness of the current environmental problems for those working on and visiting the island. Today we regard climate change as the greatest challenge to be faced.


Art For The Third Millennium, Creating a New WorldÁgnes Dénes:

In our world our capacity to react to the changes coming in evermore rapid declination becomes the most pertinent. As a planner I believe it to be of prime importance that I react in some way to the global problems surrounding us, whether through highlighting them, or through experimenting and developing new alternatives towards public awareness and scientific utilisation. In the words of Ágnes Dénes ecological art goes beyond the ego without being altruistic. It assumes the maintenance of balance between global thinking and independent action. The ego must remain in order to allow fearless activity, with the confidence and trust essential for real creation, whilst the ego must be forgotten in order that we may think universally and make decisions to the benefit of others.


The XIII. International Lake Velence Symposion was created around the theme WATER and CLIMATE CHANGE. Seven Ronins sat on a boat to paddle to the island of Velence on 6th Sept in Hungary. With bare foot we were wandering the island, discovering the dialogues and dances told through land art of Colin Foster, Agnes Péter, Endre Gaál, Takashi Ikezawa, Ágnes Deli, Moji Ramzi, Razieh Goudarzi, Péter Alpár, Bettina Módra & Kristóf Palásti, Róbert Kabai, Tibor Gáts and Balázs Györfi.

Photography: Bettina Módra ,  Moji Ramzi, Razieh Goudarzi

XIII. International Lake Velence Symposion

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