Razieh Goudarzi, responsible for organizing this event, said: this program which was hold by the effort of “Arta Contemporary Art Institute “in Khorramabad lorestan, was a good opportunity for artists to review four event the run with light that was hold  by the institute past consecutive years and light as the main means artists performances and photography at night.

Arta institute since early 2014 to hold  and responsibility this event . in the first year held the country , the second was public Call foe this event , it was a good opportunity for artists to connect with nature and photography and doing performance at night to use available capacity in their own environment and participate in fostering culture of conservation of nature especially at the end of the year.

The third year, it was held internationally, works were photos and videos from France and China and the cities of  Iran; Isfahan, Lorestan and Babolsar. In the fourth year in 2017 was faced with more welcoming of foreign artists to participate in this event and video works and photographs had from Sweden, France, Italy, New Zealand, Singapore, India and Iran and Tehran and artists Lorestani.

“The main aim of this events is social interaction by the creation language of nature, establishing healthy and happy relationship without professional worries and enjoying of Divine blessing and involving with Natural phenomena at night and also practicing of photography regard to the ability of the individual and the group.  ” Miss Goudarzi added.

‘Sweden and a review of  events, as well as Ms. T. Assadian talked about of connection with the philosophy celebrate the end of the year in ancient Iran; “According to what is stated in Ancient History, a couple of days before Norooz (Iranian New Year) people named Atash Afroozan(Arson),who were messengers of Ahoorayi celebration )Zoroastrian Faith( ,went to towns and villagers to prepared people for this Ceremony.Atash Afroozan, were artists (women and men) who entertain and satisfy people by holding street shows, songs, lyrical songs and clapping. They kindled fire early at night in all part of the city and village, Seven days before the New Year) Noorooz) and two days after that. This continued up to rising sun. The fire was the symbol of love and friendship and their goal was restoring positive power to people to overcome grief and depression” she said.

Ms. Tara Goudarzi continued her conversation with the introduction of several famous artists who were performances with light. According to her words, Light Art is an art in which light is the main material of experssion.  In this field, The artist propose works such as is exhibited in the form of various audiences, including ,installations, lighting sculptures, performance art, video art, minimalist and ect. Light art light can interact with an architectural space. The artist can offer their art work on the outside or inside the gallery.

At the end of Mr. Asghar Niazi explained related to night photography and its relationship with the environment.

In this meeting ; showed every videos that was sent to us.


Curator and director: Razieh Goudarzi

Organizer:Institute of Contemporary Arts  Arta, in the lorestan province, the city of Khorramabad

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